SA64 0 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SA64 0 is a postcode sector in Pembrokeshire, UK. Below is a complete list of SA64 0 Postcodes (Active). SA64 0 postcode sector comprises of 105 active postcodes. SA64 0 sector has a population of 2379, and it has 1072 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SA64 0 postcode sector

SA64 0 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 2379
Addresses / Property Count 1072
Active Postcodes 105
Nearby Postcode Districts 52
Nearby Postcode Sectors 0

View Map Of SA64 0 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 105 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SA64 0AA 52.00244500 -4.99456500 N/A N/A 194546 238014
SA64 0AD 51.99972300 -4.99726800 19 46 194348 237719
SA64 0AE 51.99872000 -4.99997100 24 63 194158 237615
SA64 0AF 51.99956400 -4.99861400 4 16 194255 237705
SA64 0AG 51.99936400 -4.99908100 4 13 194222 237684
SA64 0AH 51.99907800 -5.00003800 6 10 194155 237655
SA64 0AJ 51.99854400 -5.00054200 3 5 194118 237597
SA64 0AL 51.99803800 -5.00021500 7 15 194138 237540
SA64 0AN 51.99735500 -5.00132200 12 19 194059 237467
SA64 0AP 51.99757200 -5.00057800 7 9 194111 237489
SA64 0AQ 52.01151900 -4.99850800 N/A N/A 194317 239034
SA64 0AR 51.99598900 -4.99983100 30 69 194155 237311
SA64 0AS 51.99401900 -5.00125800 7 15 194048 237096
SA64 0AT 51.99403000 -5.00293400 49 99 193933 237102
SA64 0AU 51.99456000 -5.00228600 10 19 193980 237159
SA64 0AX 51.99530800 -5.00117000 13 19 194060 237239
SA64 0AY 51.99809400 -5.00333700 8 18 193924 237555
SA64 0AZ 51.99961100 -5.00172000 41 65 194042 237719
SA64 0BA 52.00102800 -4.99865200 38 105 194259 237868
SA64 0BB 52.00194800 -4.99791300 2 2 194314 237968
SA64 0BD 52.00379500 -4.99595200 N/A N/A 194457 238168
SA64 0BE 51.99940600 -5.00089000 17 27 194098 237694
SA64 0BH 52.00303300 -4.99766500 4 10 194336 238088
SA64 0BJ 52.00345200 -4.99744600 3 4 194353 238134
SA64 0BL 52.00395900 -4.99693900 18 42 194390 238189
SA64 0BN 52.00387800 -4.99661400 21 34 194412 238179
SA64 0BP 52.00468700 -4.99557500 7 17 194487 238266
SA64 0BS 52.00550200 -4.99427300 16 27 194580 238353
SA64 0BT 52.00620500 -4.99285000 1 2 194681 238427
SA64 0BU 52.01328700 -4.98415500 N/A N/A 195310 239190
SA64 0BX 52.01078800 -4.98589800 N/A N/A 195179 238917
SA64 0BY 52.00914900 -4.98739200 N/A N/A 195069 238739
SA64 0DE 52.00260100 -4.99310500 6 13 194647 238027
SA64 0DG 52.00465200 -4.99479900 3 7 194540 238260
SA64 0DH 52.00482900 -4.99600800 3 5 194458 238283
SA64 0DJ 52.00401700 -4.99748200 3 4 194353 238197
SA64 0DL 52.00539300 -4.99610400 15 34 194454 238346
SA64 0DN 52.00621700 -4.99731000 6 11 194375 238441
SA64 0DP 52.00581400 -4.99441200 4 10 194572 238388
SA64 0DR 52.00525600 -4.99511800 7 11 194521 238328
SA64 0DS 52.00695700 -4.99256300 6 15 194704 238510
SA64 0DT 52.00913600 -4.99215600 6 14 194742 238751
SA64 0DU 52.00964700 -4.99255300 14 38 194717 238809
SA64 0DX 52.01030800 -4.99165000 25 40 194782 238880
SA64 0DY 52.01090300 -4.99055300 32 64 194860 238943
SA64 0DZ 52.01195900 -4.99039000 34 66 194876 239060
SA64 0EA 52.01013400 -4.99041600 12 25 194866 238857
SA64 0EH 52.00147200 -5.00029900 9 18 194148 237922
SA64 0EJ 52.00185300 -4.99875100 6 13 194256 237960
SA64 0EL 52.00106600 -4.99964500 45 111 194191 237875
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